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Training & Scholarships

We are committed to building the leadership capacity of regional Western Australian grain growing communities through a number of scholarships, awards and training opportunities. 
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  • GRLSC text

    Develop a foundational understanding of what it takes to be an effective, influential and engaging leader.
    Medium – 4 days (two 2-day modules)
    Module 1: 25-26 March 2024, Module 2: 17-18 June 2024
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  • Growing Leaders Program text

    Embark on a transformative leadership journey alongside other senior leaders from across Western Australia, where you will explore leadership in the context of current and future issues and opportunities specific to WA.
    High – Approx 5 hours per week over 10 months
    February to December 2025
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  • Rural Womens award text

    Develop your existing project, business or program to make a greater impact in your community.
    Medium – 5 days (this caters for interviews, media training and awards nights)
    Details coming soon
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  • Grower Study Tour text

    Visit some of Australia’s most important grain export markets and gain an understanding of where and how your grain is consumed – all while taking in the cultural offerings of an international destination.
    High – approximately 1 week
    7 - 15 September 2024
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  • Co-operative text

    The Reinvigorating Regional Australia: a co-operative approach workshops explore how the co-op model has been successfully used in regional communities to create and retain important local services such as the supermarket, pub and even aged care. 
    Low – 4 hours
    18-21 March 2024
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  • Nuffield text

    Travel overseas while studying a topic of your choice and explore innovative ideas to drive the agricultural industry forward.
    High – a total of 14 weeks of study and travel
    Various dates available
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  • Governance e-course text

    Develop an understanding of the fundamentals of effective organisational governance through this self-paced online course.
    Low – self paced 1-2 hours a fortnight over a 3-month period
    May to July
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  •  1 day gov workshop text

    A simple and effective one-day introduction to best practice governance skills and knowledge.
    Medium – 7 hours over 1 day
    8 August 2024
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  • Business model masterclass text

    Whether you’re looking to grow your organisations, start something new, or just seeking to make some changes, a sound business model is essential. This half-day workshop will support you to review of build a strong business model as part of your broader strategic plan.
    Low - 3 hours
    31 July 2024
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  • Reading Financial Statements text

    A simple and effective introduction to reading, understanding and evaluating financial statements for businesses and community groups.
    Low - 3 hours
    19 June 2024
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